ホームステイ先から届いた手紙:”They are both so polite and well mannered and have fitted in really well with our small family….”

ホームステイ先から届いた手紙:”They are both so polite and well mannered and have fitted in really well with our small family….”
この夏は35名の生徒が英国人家庭にステイしてイギリス体験! 生徒たちばかりではなく、ステイ先の方達にとっても貴重な体験になるようで、毎回多くのステイ先の方から学校や担任宛にお礼の手紙が届きます。
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Dear Makio
I just wanted to write to you to say what a lovely week we have had with Riku and Mifu staying with us. They are both so polite and well mannered and have fitted in really well with our small family. They have been so kind to us and are extremely respectful.
Their English is very good and they have made great effort at ALL times in conversations. I hope they have left having learnt a little more English from their stay with us.
We will miss them both so much when they are gone and hope they have a lovely summer when they get home. Their parents should be very, very proud of them.
Yours sincerely