Weald Schoolと立教英国学院は、昨年度からパートナー校として提携しています。学期末には中学3年生や高校1年生が1週間の短期留学にも行っています。
今回は、英語の授業の一環として、金曜日の1-2時間目を使って、中学1・2年生がWeald Schoolを訪問してきました。1学期に続いて、2回目の訪問でしたが、生徒たちは最初は緊張でいっぱいでした。でも段々とコミュニケーションが取れるようになってきて、楽しい時間が過ごせたようです。生徒たちの感想をご覧ください。
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Weald School Visit on 8th November 2019
I went to Weald School and I talked with three students. This school visit was the second time for me. I think it is better than the first visit because this time I tried speaking English hard with many students. I taught ‘origami’ to them. They enjoyed ‘origami’, so I felt very happy. I taught them how to write their name in Japanese ‘kanji’. They were very interested in ‘kanji’. Next time, I want to speak with more students, so I will try to study English harder than now. I want to make friends at Weald school too, so I want to practise speaking English.
We went to Weald School on a school visit yesterday. I talked with Weald School students who were very kind. I was glad that I could communicate with the same age girls, but I think not so many things went well. I couldn’t speak English well. I was nervous when I was talking with them. I think it was because I don’t have enough experiences, so I have to increase my vocabulary and learn more grammar to be fluent in English. I had a good experience and I want to visit Weald School again.
It was nice talking to Weald School students. They were very friendly, so I enjoyed talking to them. I taught them ‘origami’, and it went well because they were interested in it, but I couldn’t talk much with them, so I felt a little sad. I want to improve my English for the next time. I should be talking more, and I should study English harder. I want to talk more. The Weald School’s headmaster was fun. He was full of energy. I want to go to Weald School again and I want to talk to them more.
The Weald School students were very kind and interesting. Each one was unique, so to communicate with them was fun. Also, teaching them their name in Kanji went well, but I didn’t teach origami well. Therefore, the next time, I want to work harder than this time.
Weald School’s headteacher was very interesting. He was kind to us and he is a gentleman. I love him.
I like Weald School. I want to communicate more the next time, so I will study harder than now.