ハーフタームには 100人の生徒たちが近隣の村や町のイギリス人家庭にホームステイをしましたが、そのホストファミリーの方々から続々と嬉しいメッセージが届いています。「とってもいい子達だったから来年も是非来てほしい!」「ユーモア溢れる面白い子供達でお手伝いもしっかりしてくれました。」「うちの子供達ともすっかり仲良くなってあそんでくれました!」…等々。その一部を以下にご紹介します。
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During the half-term period we had three students stay with us: Mitsutaka, Dan and Genki. We are writing to say how much we enjoyed their company in our home.
All three students showed themselves to be friendly, respectful and to have a great sense of humor. They were helpful and kind and joined in when asked.
These boys are a credit to your school and their families. We wish them every success for the future.
Best regards
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I wanted to write and say that our first homestay experience has been a wonderful one. We hosted Rina, Mana and Aiko who were an absolute delight and a credit to the school and themselves. If you can please pass this onto their teachers it would be much appreciated. If we ever have the opportunity to host any of these girls again we would be very happy!
Many thanks
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Just to let you know that the three girls staying with us over half-term – Mizuki, Ai and Ayano – were lovely homestay students. It was a pleasure having them in the house and I would happily do it again.
Kind regards,
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“It was with great pleasure that I hosted four of your students, Daisuke, Wataru, Atsushi and Yo last week. They always tried hard to practise their English at meal times, and we had some good conversations over supper. They told us that they had a good week, with local outings to Horsham and Guildford, a shopping trip to London, and playing with Kipper our dog. Paul and I wish them all well!”
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“Just to let you know that we thoroughly enjoyed having the Rikkyo students. They were a credit to the School and, of course, Japan. They interacted so well with our daughter, Malama, who was enchanted with them.”
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“Both Haruhi and Marika were an absolute delight and would be welcome to come and stay with us at any time”.
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“The three girls got on well with each other and with my children. At mealtimes together they spoke English and were well-mannered. They ate all the meals I cooked, watched movies with my boys and did a jigsaw puzzle together. They were a pleasure to have in the house”.