その教会関係の方々も7月7日の創立40周年記念式典に参列して下さいました。そしてその教会の会報「St Nicolas Cranleigh Parish Church Magazine」に式典の記事が掲載されましたのでご紹介します。
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Rikkyo School
At the same time as our Rectory Fete, the Rikkyo School celebrated its 40th Anniversary with a service and concert, followed by a magnificent lunch. Many friends of the school joined in the happy throng, and professors and past students from Japan or here in England came along to celebrate.
One such person recalled his being driven down the A281 by his parents, to begin his boarding school education. He had never been parted from them and had no idea what to expect. He knew no-one, the evening meal left him hungry and he cried himself to sleep. However, he soon found a warmth and a welcome from staff and fellow students, and he told the assembled audience how foundational and memorable his school life became.
He had tears in his eyes, as he told our present-day students to accept every challenge and to live life to the full, making the most of every moment of their school career.
We here at St. Nicolas love to see the students and staff of the School at our Sunday worship, and we send them all many congratulations and good wishes at this Anniversary time, and for success in the future.