Arigato gozaimasu!
Thank you very much for giving us the opportunity of boarding at your school. We all enjoyed ourselves a lot. I think your school is very interesting and my time at Rikkyo has improved my Japanese a lot. My favourite part of Rikkyo was trying out at the kendo club because I had watched it before but never known what the rules were. All of your students were very kind and welcoming which made our stay nice and relaxing. I also enjoyed the range of food that we ate and the way in which your school is organised. I thought the dorms were very comfortable and warm.
To top all of that , my buddy, Mizuka, was the best buddy I could ever wish for. She taught me so many new words and phrases which will help me a lot in the future. I am looking forward to when Mizuka comes and stays with me. I hope she will enjoy herself as much as I enjoyed myself.
Thank you again and hope to see you soon,