2018年度3月 短期留学体験記 DAY 3〈Forest School〉

2018年度3月 短期留学体験記 DAY 3〈Forest School〉


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Forest school student exchange daily diary

3rd day March 13, 2019

Today was the 3rd day of the short term student exchange, which means we’ve done half of this exchange session, and not much time left before we finish off. I noticed the time we spent in Forest school had past so quickly, as I didn’t imagined so.

Today’s time table is shown below.

1st class: GEOGRAPHY

2nd class: MATH

3rd class: ENGLISH

4th class: PHYSICS

5th class: CHEMISTRY

Today was a very important day for me, in a bad way. There is a huge reason why felt so. The reason is the last class of today’s time table, the chemistry, is told me by my buddy, THE WORST CLASS in this school. I have already seen plenty of messy stuff going on in classes, but my buddy told me this, chemistry class would be worse than any of these outstandingly. I feared of it. In some rumor, believe or not, a baguette had been threw into the teacher. Other rumor says, some of the students absent the class because they hate the teacher. What a mess!!

The classes before the very chemistry class went well. I’ve slept a little during the boring English class, but luckily most of the time I was awake. Oh I almost forgot to mention this in this diary.

Today, I felt strongly stepped forward hugely by talking with other students about Japan and about my school. They really had curiosity for foreign countries and asked me how the language Japanese works, or what’s there in the capital city of Japan, Tokyo. What a delightful time it was! I made the recognition once again, that talking between students of other countries using one common language, is amazing. And in this time, I was completely forgetting about my 5th class.

But after lunch, sadly the time has come.

I noticed, the atmosphere in this class was definitely different apart from any class I’ve done so far. A boy was screaming, other boy was slapping a table really hard so that it can distract the class. Fortunately, according to the buddy, today’s chemistry class was all right. I didn’t see any objects were thrown, and didn’t hear anyone swearing. So I could finish my day safely and I was relieved. That’s it. We have 2 days left.

(中学部3年生 男子)