短期交換留学:3学期本校に1週間滞在したMillais Schoolの生徒達からお礼の手紙が届きました!〈第1回〉

短期交換留学:3学期本校に1週間滞在したMillais Schoolの生徒達からお礼の手紙が届きました!〈第1回〉 短期交換留学:3学期本校に1週間滞在したMillais Schoolの生徒達からお礼の手紙が届きました!〈第1回〉 短期交換留学:3学期本校に1週間滞在したMillais Schoolの生徒達からお礼の手紙が届きました!〈第1回〉
Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to take part in the exchange with your students. I am so pleased I was able to go as it was one of the best experiences of my life. All the Rikkyo teachers and students were extremely welcoming and took care of us, everyone was so kind! I also want to say thank you to Yuka for looking after me, helping me with my Japanese as well as becoming a good friend.
I miss every single one of the students I met during our stay, and I appreciate everyone trying to speak English with us, it made conversation a lot easier! I enjoyed having the chance to talk to some of the students at lunch and dinner, it was interesting to find out about their lives at Rikkyo and at home.
I loved having the opportunity to try some of Japan’s cultural activities like Kendo, martial arts, origami, calligraphy and cooking miso soup and onigiri. I found origami especially fun, the Rikkyo students had made tiny panda’s faces which we all found amazing as they were so small but perfect!
After spending two mornings helping and watching the English drama class performances, we were all surprised at the impressive level of English that many of the students can speak, and the quality of their pieces were brilliant and very funny.
All of us from Millais were sad to go once we had reached the end of our stay, and I’d like to say again thank you very much for letting us stay at Rikkyo School.
I’m looking forward to our exchange  buddies coming to stay at Millais with us very soon!